Updated to reflect new science in the American heart Association’s 2015 Guidelines for CPR
This course is based on basic vital life support skills (BLS), emphasizing the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR. This advanced course emphasizes the importance of high-performance team dynamics and communication, care systems, recognition, and intervention for cardiopulmonary failure, immediate cardiac arrest, acute dysrhythmia, stroke, and acute coronary syndromes.
Used for the initial ACLS course, update, and heartcode® ACLS skills session
Based on the class (instructor and video)
Skills are taught in classes in large groups and at training and testing stations in small groups, where case-based scenarios are presented.
Please note that since this tool is electronic, there are no separate additional tools (for example, reference cards, manuals); instead, all information is available electronically.
The e-book cannot be printed.
After successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
Apply a sequence of BLS, primary and secondary assessment for systematic assessment of adult patients
Perform fast, high-quality BLS, including prioritizing early chest compressions and integrating early automatic external defibrillator (AED)use
Recognize, and perform early treatment for respiratory arrest
To recognize and undertake early treatment of bradiaritmii and tachyarrhythmias, which may lead to cardiac arrest or complicate resuscitation outcome
To recognize and implement early treatment of cardiac arrest until termination of resuscitation or transfer of care, including immediate assistance after the heart stops
Model for effective communication as a member or leader of a high-performance team
Evaluate resuscitation efforts during cardiac arrest through continuous CPR quality assessment, monitoring the patient’s physiological response, and providing real-time feedback to the team
Identify care systems
Information on the instructor’s CD-ROM (available in electronic format)
Course Materials:
List of equipment
Sample program for the ACLS course – 12 students
Sample program for the ACLS course-24 students
Sample program for ACLS update course-12 students
Sample agenda for the ACLS update course – 24 students
Sample preliminary letter-student
Sample preliminary letter-HeartCode® Student
The script template ACLS
Course material
Scientific summary table for 2015
ACLS Code Timer / Recorder Sheet
ACLs medication sheets
ACLS full lesson plans
Lesson plans for updating ACLS
Heartcode®lesson plans ACLS
ACLs Training station checklists
Checklist for checking BLS skills
Checklist for testing airway management skills
Test checklists for megacodes ACLs
LifeIsWhy ™ activity Page
Testing scenarios for training stations and megacodes
Scenarios and a tool for summarizing ACLS training stations
Testing scenarios for megacodes ACLs
Successful completion: to successfully complete the course, students must demonstrate proficiency in all training stations, pass a high-quality BLS skill test, bag mask ventilation with an OPA / NPA insertion skill test, and a Megacode test. They must also pass the ACLS exam with a score of 84% or higher. Upon successful completion, students receive an ACLS course completion card.
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