Updated to reflect new science in the American heart Association’s 2015 Guidelines for CPR
This instructor-led video course teaches basic life support skills to both the single rescuer and the team for use in both institutions and pre-hospital settings.
The BLS instructor e-book is intended for AHABLES instructors. Each teacher must have their own copy of the BLS course instructor’s guide.
Please note that since this tool is electronic, there are no separate additional tools (for example, reference cards, manuals); instead, all information is available electronically.
Based on the class (instructor and video)
The e-book cannot be printed.
After successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
Describe the importance of quality CPR and its impact on survival
Describe all stages of the survival Chain and apply the concepts of the BLS survival Chain
To recognize the signs of someone in need of CPR
Perform high-quality CPR for adults, children and infants
Describe the importance of early use of the AED)
Provide effective ventilation with a barrier device
Describe the importance of teams in resuscitation and act as an effective team member during a checkpoint involving multiple rescuers
Describe methods for removing foreign bodies of airway obstruction (suffocation) for adults and infants
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